10 Symptoms Of Porn Addiction Withdrawal (and How To Manage Them)

10 Symptoms of Porn Addiction Withdrawal (And How to Manage Them)..............

1. Mood Swings
One second you feel peaceful and rested. The next second you’re enraged and struggling to keep it together. Your body was used to the consistency that accompanied your porn usage. It knows that for a certain amount of time each day, it’s going to get the “satisfaction” it needs. Emotionally, you knew what to expect excellency in Jamb runs.
Now, that consistency is gone. Your emotions may be out of whack because you are no longer meeting the needs that your body has come to expect on a daily basis. This can result in mood swings, outbursts, and irregular emotional behaviors, as your brain attempts to rebalance.

2. Loss of Libido
Pornography creates an unattainable fantasy in our mind—something that we want to attain in our own sex life but realistically cannot. After living in this fantasy world for so long, quitting porn can result in a loss of libido (sex drive). Real sex is beautiful and romantic, but our brains are trained to expect the fantasy we watch in porn. This decreases our desire to have sex with our significant other (which can lead to many of the other withdrawal symptoms listed here!).

3. Insomnia
For some, after dark is their “time” when they watch porn. Quitting porn means that instead of staring at a screen until the wee hours of the night, you’re left staring at the ceiling, struggling to sleep. Your brain is so accustomed to the nightly routine of watching porn, that it quite literally cannot turn off and go to sleep while preparing for jamb runs.

4. Social Anxiety
If you’re single, social anxiety may feel extra heightened during porn withdrawal. The time you used to spend at home alone watching porn must now be replaced by healthy habits. For many, this means stepping out into public and finding productive distractions with other humans (social gatherings, church, group workouts, etc.). These can all be beneficial to overcoming porn, but when you’re not used to being around others, it can create social anxiety that might even lead to other withdrawal symptoms. Instead of watching porn, you’re now talking with real-life people and deriving your happiness and emotional satisfaction from conversation and interaction. This can be quite the adjustment!

5. Headaches
It’s important to remember that quitting porn is chemically similar to quitting a drug (smoking, caffeine, illegal substances, etc.). Your brain must adjust and reset its chemical makeup to return to a sense of normalcy that was experienced prior to addiction. Similar to the headaches people experience when giving up caffeine, pornography withdrawal can cause headaches as well.
This is normal, and it’s hugely due to the stress and hormonal imbalance that accompany your brain’s neurochemical alterations.

society and spend as much time with as many people as possible. But, take a look at your daily life and see what you can do to involve others. Scientifically, humans need interaction with others to thrive (some more than others), so join the gym or a book club. Plan a game night! Even just texting a friend once a day can break up the withdrawal symptoms you are feeling and give you a bit of refreshment.
3. Keep learning about the “why” behind your withdrawal symptoms.
Knowing the “why” behind what you’re feeling will make all the difference in how you respond and react. At the bottom of this post, there is a link to download Your Brain on Porn. This free ebook is an excellent tool in helping you understand why you feel the way you do when trying to quit porn. It offers important information about brain science, which as you now know, plays a huge role in recovery.
If you’re experiencing porn withdrawal symptoms, comment below and let us know how you’re managing them! Your advice might be just what someone else needs to stay in the fight against.

for cure to Side effects of excessive masturbation which are .....

• Fatigue or chronic fatigue.
• Sleep disorders (insomnia or hypersomnia).
• Low back pain due to loss of calcium as a result of excess seminal fluid loss.
• Decrease in sperm count.
• Loss of sexual sensitivity. much common among ladies.
• Physical and mental tiredness because it involves a lot of energy.
• Fast ageing. Due to the loss of excess vital fluid, the human body starts ageing very fast.
• It leads to hormonal change or in-balance in the body.
• Lose memory.
• Dry skin.
• Internal heat in the body.
• It causes premature ejaculations
• It causes the penis to shrink, I mean not growing to full size.
• It cause erections problem ( erectile dysfunction)
• It causes hair fall.
. It causes soft erections.
. It causes leaking semen.
